Supporting Grieving Hearts: Applying the 5 Love Languages to Suicide Loss

Losing someone to suicide is an indescribable pain that requires unique and compassionate support. In this blog post, we explore how the principles of the 5 Love Languages—words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, acts of service, and receiving gifts—can serve  as a guide for providing comfort to those navigating the challenging journey of grief after suicide.

By incorporating the principles of the 5 Love Languages, we can tailor our support to meet the unique needs of those grieving.

Kid comforting, consoling a friend experiencing grief from suicide loss
Sympathetic female friend in SUPPORT with suffering woman. Person in sorrow embracing supportive companion

1. Words of Affirmation:

  • Offer verbal expressions of empathy and understanding.
  • Encourage the sharing of memories and stories about the departed.
  • Use affirming words to validate their feelings and experiences.
  • Avoid judgment and create a safe space for open communication.


2. Quality Time:

  • Be present and available to spend time together.
  • Engage in activities that bring comfort, whether it’s watching a movie, going for a walk, or simply sitting quietly.
  • Listen actively and allow them to express their emotions without
    rushing or judgment.
  • Share resources, such as books or podcasts, that may help them process the complexities of suicide loss.


3. Physical Touch:

  • Offer comforting physical gestures, such as hugs, hand-holding, or a gentle touch on the shoulder.
  • Respect personal boundaries and ensure consent before initiating physical contact.
  • Recognize the power of non-verbal communication through touch during moments of distress.
Helping out around the house while someone is grieving can make a huge  difference.
Rear view of four touristic friends walking down the street.

4. Acts of Service:

  • Provide practical assistance to ease the burden of daily life.
  • Offer help with household chores, meal preparation, or other tasks.
  • Be proactive in anticipating their needs and providing support without waiting for them to ask.
  • Collaborate on meaningful activities, such as writing letters or creating a tribute, to honor the memory of the departed.


5. Receiving Gifts:

  • Select thoughtful gifts that convey care and remembrance.
  • Consider personalized items, such as a photo album, memorial jewelry, or a cherished item that holds sentimental value.
  • Remember that the significance of the gift lies in the thought and
    emotion behind it, not its monetary value.
  • Acknowledge special occasions, such as birthdays or
    anniversaries, with meaningful and heartfelt gifts.

Navigating grief after the loss of a loved one to suicide requires a delicate and
understanding approach. By incorporating the principles of the 5 Love
Languages, we can tailor our support to meet the unique needs of those
grieving. Let’s stand together, offering words of comfort, shared time, gentle touches, acts of service, and thoughtful gifts to provide solace to hearts in

“I’ve found that the 5 Love Languages offers a compassionate roadmap for supporting not only myself, but also those around me who are also navigating the complex journey of grief after suicide loss.”  – Lisa Johnson

All you need is love

Dealing with the loss of a loved one to suicide is complicated. We’re here help start the conversation & stop the stigma.  

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